Narayan Nagbali

What is Tripindi Shraddha?

According to Hindu scriptures, there are three types of loans. One gets freedom from the debt of the ancestors, the debt of the sage, the debt of the divine, worshipping according to the scriptures and keeping the fast. And by performing rituals like Shradh, and Pitrupujan, a person gets freedom from the debt of the ancestors, Brahmins are committed to performing rituals like Yagya, Shradh, and Tarpan. This method can be done every day apart from the day of remembrance of the dead person.

Tripindi Shradha is an offering in the memory of the dear departed. If for three consecutive years the offerings are not made to the dear departed then the dead gets vehement, so to calm them these offerings are made.

Tripindi Shraddha

When and where to do Tripindi Shraddha?

Tripindi Shradh can be performed on any of the Panchami, Ashtami, Ekadashi, Trayodashi, Chaturdashi and Amavas days of Shukla or Krishna Paksha. Generally, Sun is in Virgo and Tul Rashi between 16th September to 15th November. These days, ancestors come to the earth. Therefore, this period is best for performing Tripindi Shradh. Tripindi Shradh is performed at Trimbakeshwar only. Which is the holy place of Lord Shiva. This method can be done on any day of the year only in Trimbakeshwar.

Tripindi Sharaddha

Who has the right to do Tripindi Shraddha?

From husband-wife pair, widow, unmarried person can do this method for the welfare of their family. According to Hindu scriptures, if a woman goes to another house after getting married, she cannot perform Tripindi Shradh for the salvation of her parent’s soul. But she can perform Tripindi Shradh for the ancestors of her in-laws. New, unwashed white clothes are worn for this method.

This method should be according to the method given in Dharmashastra. And it is expected to have complete faith in the method and God of the person doing this method. Only then he gets a good result from the method. Many people give trouble with themselves or their parents during their lifetime. And after his death, in order to increase his perceived social prestige to the people, he does many types of methods. These types of events have become common these days. In this way, no suffering soul can get salvation. By using force in this way, we make those souls angry and our troubles increase even more.

This religious act should be performed at a holy place meant for demon liberation or sacrifice. Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are the main Gods in this rite. Of the two kinds, from the earth, from the sky and spirit, virtue, particle, irascible also infant, young and old dead in all stages are oppressed with vehement emotions. In the end one must perform Tripindi Shradha as per the tradition and conventions. Before this rite it is necessary to undertake holy dip in Ganga for expiation and body purification. Here Skhaur is not necessary. As Shakhur is innate part of expiation, Tripindi rite is to be performed accompanied by wife. One can perform this rite even if you are single or a widower. In this God Brahma (Money), Vishnu (Gold), Rudra (Copper) are omnipresent.
The Tripindi Shraddha is of 3 hours in morning time

Puja Dress Code

Points to be Noted

  • Tripindi Shradha Pooja is related to ancestors.
  • Pooja is for one day which takes about 3 hour’s time.
  • Devotees must come one day before or early in the morning till 6 AM on the date Muhurta.
  • A devotee should take a dip or wash their hands & legs at Holy Kushawart Kund before Pooja.
  • Devotees have to bring only fresh( New ) clothes for the pooja. The clothes requires like Kudata & pyjama or Dhoti, Gamacha for males and Sari or Punjabi Dress of any color except black, green & plain white for the Female. By wearing those clothes you will perform the Pooja & after the pooja you have to give up those clothes here.
  • The devotee has to come one day before or early in the morning till 6 am on the date Muhurta.
  • Devotee will eat without Onion, Garlic food on pooja day. Next day onward you can have.
  • Devotee will not have Non-veg & Alcohol for the next 41 days including Pooja day.
  • The Daxina includes all the Pooja Samugri. Daxina you have to give after Pooja.
  • Reservation for this ritual must be made a minimum 4 days in advance by informing us. Your name and telephone number is to be registered before coming for the pooja. It is inevitable to make reservations to avail all the facilities. Reservations can be made through phone or mail.